I help convert visions and ideas
into meaningful and useful software products


Emmy Steven

Software Engineer | Technical Writer

Developing and maintaining a modern web application and/or website can be a daunting venture! There are development risks, technical risk, and risk in getting the right person or team on board. Some risks are downright unavoidable.

That’s where Emmy Steven comes in. With specialty in developing modern web solutions for individuals, startups and established companies, He uses the latest cutting edge technologies and engineering methods, and strives to build great web solutions, while minimizing risks and other factors that can break your budget.

  • He employs agile methodologies to deliver services as at when due.
  • He under promises and over delivers.
  • Integrity is his watch word because his word is what he really has.

My Skills

I am passionate about seeing your business scale and in order to do so I offer the following services



These are but a few great minds I have had the honor to work with on projects